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Cymer introduces new technology to installed argon fluoride light sources that increases availability

Reduces maintenance frequency leading to improved cost of ownership

San Diego, California, June 21, 2017 – Cymer, an industry leader in developing lithography light sources used by chipmakers to pattern advanced semiconductor chips, today announced a new productivity package with enhanced chamber and optics technology for its installed base of ArF (argon fluoride) light sources. The next-generation solution enables chipmakers to extend the time between service events by 33% over earlier generations.

“As process complexity drives higher costs, we continue to look for any opportunity to offset expenses with improved equipment efficiencies,” said Mr. Kanetaka, senior manager of manufacturing engineering department 3 at Toshiba Memory Corporation. “As part of that, Toshiba has cooperatively worked with Cymer in testing a 40 billion pulse (Bp) service interval that is based on a new chamber design. I’m happy to report that this has been successful and we look forward to increasing our overall factory output by implementing this innovation throughout our fleet of systems.”

Cymer’s previous ArF immersion light sources followed a maintenance schedule of 30 Bp, which equated to a service event every 7-8 months at high-volume manufacturing fabs. By extending this interval to 40 Bp, chipmakers are able to achieve higher availability due to reduced maintenance frequency that can lead to increased fab output. The new chamber technology will be made available on all leading-edge Cymer platforms.

Cymer extensively redesigned the chamber with novel materials as well as applied special coatings and high purity materials to its supporting optics to extend the useful life of both critical components. Altogether, these changes support its Synchronized Preventative Maintenance service methodology, which consolidates multiple part replacements into one event to minimize production interrupts, and improve chipmakers’ tool availability and productivity.

“We have increased our research and development investment by 30 percent since January 2016, hiring engineers focused solely on advancing our DUV light source technology and productivity solutions that not only meet, but exceed our customers’ expectations,” said David Knowles, vice president and general manager of product development group at Cymer. “Achieved ahead of schedule, our latest performance milestone is a testament to this commitment and we already have our sights set on the next set of breakthroughs.”

Cymer’s latest technology upgrade package is exclusively available to OnPulse customers. The OnPulse Service Program offers numerous customer support benefits that increase equipment availability and productivity to reduce total cost of ownership, as well as provides early access to technology enhancements that extend equipment lifecycle. 

About Cymer

Cymer, an ASML company, is an industry leader in developing lithography light sources, used by chipmakers worldwide to pattern advanced semiconductor chips. Cymer’s light sources, and ongoing innovations, are available to all semiconductor and semiconductor equipment companies to enable advanced device manufacturing today and into the future. The company is headquartered in San Diego, California.

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