As we discussed in the initial installment of this 2-part extravaganza, some people pursue a predictable path on their way to engineer-hood (where “-hood” comes from the Middle English “-hode,” which itself comes from the Old English “-hād,” meaning “state of being”). Others, like your humble narrator, end up taking a more circuitous route, which may involve Lady Luck finagling the dice in their favor (I … Read More → "There’s More Than One Way to Become an Engineer (Part 2)"
I was born in 1957. If you are on the younger side of things, I bet you’re thinking something along the lines of, “Wow! That’s AGES ago!” You’re right. It is. That’s why it’s taken me such a long time to get from then to now (I took the scenic route).
Along my rambling (some may … Read More → "There’s More Than One Way to Become an Engineer (Part 1)"
Are you familiar with a bird called the baya weaver (Ploceus philippinus)? These little beauties are to be found across the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Baya weavers are renowned for weaving unique and intricate hinging nests from different materials. These nests are robust and safe while also being extremely lightweight and efficient.
The reason I mention this here is … Read More → "Weaving State-of-the-Art Chiplet and SoC Fabrics"
This week model-based design and software defined vehicles take center stage! My guest Jim Tung (MathWorks fellow) and I discuss the trends driving a push toward software defined vehicles, the benefits of model-based design for SDV development and the tools that engineers should consider for virtualizing vehicle behavior. Also this week, I investigate a new enhanced event camera developed by a team of researchers at the University of Maryland … Read More → "Model-Based Design and the Rise of Software Defined Vehicle Development"
I was just cogitating and ruminating on the futuristic technologies to which I was exposed when “Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS)” first graced our television screens in 1966. Things like the flip-open communicators, which predated the launch of the world’s first flip phone by 30 years.
Also, there was artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) of a form. However, … Read More → "Open-Source AutoML for Edge AI/ML Development"