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Gesturing For Control

In honor of Black Friday, Fish Fry is storming the gates and grabbing all the embedded designs we can get our grubby little hands on. OK, not really. We’re going to wait just one more year to buy that new touchscreen embedded design, because by then, touch might have already been taken right out of the equation. Yep, we’re talking about gesture control this week. My guest is Fanie Duvenhage (Director of Human Machine Interface Division at Microchip Technology). Fanie and I are going to explore what this new 3D gesture … Read More → "Gesturing For Control"

Making Waves (and Dust)

Have you ever had a project that you wanted to take out in the back 40 and smash to smithereens? No matter what you try, what route you take, what deadline you extend, it just ain’t working out right. Sometimes smashing your design to pieces is a good thing and makes you see that, in fact, something remarkable was sitting there the whole time and you just couldn’t see it the right way. In this week’s Fish Fry we’re checking out how a research team at Rice University smashed their … Read More → "Making Waves (and Dust)"

MEMS the Word

Did you know that there are now more connected devices than people in the world? One of the biggest motivating factors pushing innovative development in these connected devices is MEMS. This week we’re checking out all the nerdy goodness that the 2012 MEMS Executive Congress has to offer. I chat with a couple of the winners of the MEMS Technology Showcase about how their new products are launching an era of “MEMS Inside the Machine”. I also talk with Benedetto Vigna (STMicroelectronics) about the trends in MEMS-enabled designs, where STMicroelectronics fits into the MEMS ecosystem, and where … Read More → "MEMS the Word"

14 Nanometers and Counting

The next process node is coming faster and faster with every passing press release. This week we’re taking a closer look at the brand new 14nm test chip rolled out by Cadence, ARM, and IBM, and we’re looking into the new nanotube memory technology being developed by IMEC and Nantero. Speaking of breaking new ground, my guest this week is Brad Quinton (Tektronix) and we’re going to chat about the most recent developments in FPGA prototyping, what Brad sees as the biggest problems for FPGA prototyping today, and why embedded instrumentation can be more … Read More → "14 Nanometers and Counting"

From Russia With Love

Saddle up comrades, we’re heading over to the mighty land of Russia. In our first story, we’re delving into the sci-fi-esque details of the “2045 Initiative”, examining how they plan on achieving human immortality by 2045, and investigating the inner workings of their first android prototype “Alissa”. Then, in another Russia-related story, we look into a new software-for-chartity fundraiser launched by Excelsior Software and tell you how you can participate in this program. Also this week, I interview Rob Frissel (Atmel) about the most recent advances in touchscreen technology for laptops and notebooks, how LCD noise comes … Read More → "From Russia With Love"

Magic, Mobile, and More

Where in the world will Fish Fry take us this week? First, we’re going to a take quick stroll by the most recent Raspberry Pi news, then it’s on over to some “Magic Finger” technology being developed by the Universities of Toronto and Alberta, and then we’ll drive into EDA land with Bill Neifert (Carbon Design Systems- CTO). Bill is going to chat with me about Carbon Design Systems’s recent collaboration with Samsung, how $4 million dollars in venture funding comes into play, and what exactly Carbon is going to … Read More → "Magic, Mobile, and More"

Scene Changers

The world of electronic design can change in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, things you thought were tried and true have flipped the script. This week we’re checking out why Synopsys decided to acquire emulation powerhouse Eve, how non-volatile memory companies Kilopass and Sidense are settling their patent skirmishes (or not), and how Microsemi is shaking up the FPGA market with their new SmartFusion2 family of FPGAs.

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You Had Me At MEMS

Let’s face it, MEMS is everywhere. Our technological lives (and even some of our careers) would not exist as we know them without MEMS. This week my guest is Karen Lightman (Managing Director of the MEMS Industry Group) and we’re talking about the biggest MEMS show of the year; why you should attend, what you could learn, and how you can break into the kingdom of executives and woo them with your MEMS design

Also this week I check out a new yoga class in Portland called “Yoga for Yoda” and … Read More → "You Had Me At MEMS"

It’s All in the Timing (Closure)

How many of you have gotten lost in your own corporate office building? Maybe it was your first week on the job? As hard as it is for us to navigate our own buildings, can you imagine what it’s like for emergency responders? In this week’s Fish Fry we check out a new real-time 3D mapping prototype being developed by MIT and examine how it could revolutionize the way we navigate the world around us. Also this week, I interview Steve Yang (President and Founder – ICScape). Steve and I … Read More → "It’s All in the Timing (Closure)"

Inching Along

Sometimes it feels like we’re just inching along toward innovation. Sometimes it feels like we’re flying by the seat of our pants toward the future without a seatbelt in sight. This week we’re talking about Intel’s long-range plans for a 5nm process node, why ESL should be playing a big role in your next low power design, and even why the cool kids aren’t using discrete components for power supplies anymore.

Also this week, I give away a copy of the book “Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide” courtesy of Cadence … Read More → "Inching Along"

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If you are looking for great technology-related reads, here are some offerings that I cannot recommend highly enough....