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Not Your Mom’s Embedded Design

In this week’s Fish Fry, I investigate some new developments in embedded design.  I interview Sherif Hanna (Product Marketing Manager at Atmel) about the future of human-machine interfaces and how he thinks touchscreen capabilities help the embedded design community. I also dig into the details of a new Jello-like memory being created by North Carolina State University and how it may not only change what memory is made of, but also … Read More → "Not Your Mom’s Embedded Design"

Sailing Into Tomorrow

In this week’s Fish Fry, I chat with Bill Neifert (Carbon Design Systems’ Chief Technology Officer) about the benefits of Carbon’s pre-silicon software development and architectural analysis, and how his love of sailing intersects with his passion for engineering.

Also this week, I get into the nitty gritty details of a new 3D printer specifically created to print chocolate, and I investigate how the new foot-operated digital interface unveiled by KMI … Read More → "Sailing Into Tomorrow"

Making Analog Fun

In this week’s Fish Fry, I recount the engineering accolades, accomplishments, and artistic endeavors of analog guru Jim Williams. I interview Bob Dobkin (Linear Technology co-founder, Vice President, Engineering & Chief Technical Officer) about Jim Williams’ work at Linear Technology, Jim’s passions outside the office, and what we should all take away from Jim’s life story.

Also this week, I chat with Lihn Hong, Marketing Vice … Read More → "Making Analog Fun"

The Design Automation Conference 2011

In this week’s Fish Fry, I dish the dirt on this year’s Design Automation Conference.  I attempt to unravel the mysteries posed by Gary Smith in his annual EDA analysis, and re-hash both the awesome and the uncomfortable moments of this year’s Steve Wozinak keynote.

Also this week, I give some details on the history of the Design Automation Conference, why there don’t seem to be as many attendees … Read More → "The Design Automation Conference 2011"

Back to the Drawing Board

In this week’s Fish Fry, my special guest is Lattice Semiconductor’s new CEO Darin Billerbeck who has some very interesting things to say about the FPGA market and Lattice’s cultural transformation. 

And, in keeping with the Lattice theme, you’ll want to jump into the competition for this week’s awesome nerdy giveaway – a Lattice ECP3 … Read More → "Back to the Drawing Board"

Refining Innovation

In this week’s Fish Fry, I check out some new intriguing iPhone apps including a DAC navigation app from Cadence, a couple new EE apps that might spark your fancy and even an app that will help you find inner peace (or at least that’s what they claim). Also, I interview Microchip Technology’s Development Tools Vice President Derek Carlson about their new IDE MPLABX and try to figure out how their new software can help jump start your next project.

And remember to stay tuned for the nerdy … Read More → "Refining Innovation"

What Lies Beneath

In this week’s Fish Fry, I check out Texas Instruments’ itty bitty new digital sensor and investigate how this new technology may help usher in a new era of micro sensors and micro mechanics.  Also this week, I look into the most recent battle between Carl Icahn and the Board of Directors at Mentor Graphics, while I try to sort through the latest litigation rumblings over at Rambus.

I have a brand new nerdy giveaway this week…but you’ll just have to tune in to find out how you can … Read More → "What Lies Beneath"

ESC Silicon Valley 2011

I pounded the padded carpet this week at the Embedded Systems Conference in San Jose where I witnessed the wonder that is Woz, interviewed new FPGA prototyping start-up BEECube, and pondered why exactly Green Hills employed a dinosaur as their main event this year. I also picked up some righteous swag!

Want a super cool new EE iPhone app? Check out Fish Fry’s nerdy giveaway this week and maybe (if you’re fast enough) you’ll get one for free…

If you like the … Read More → "ESC Silicon Valley 2011"

Portion Control: Prototypes, Processors and Printed Food

In my Fish Fry this week, I dive into the wild world of FPGA prototyping and offer up an elixir that might just solve all of our prototyping problems. I also investigate a unique new trend that brings processors and FPGA fabric together in off-the-shelf embedded systems and check out a new invention that could bring the Star Trek food replicator to life.  Also this week, I announce the winner of last week’s nerdy giveaway and offer up a new one to chew on. 

If you … Read More → "Portion Control: Prototypes, Processors and Printed Food"

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