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Company launches crowd-funding campaign to provide technology aimed at helping to change the world

London, 7 April 2016 – Watly, an award winning cleantech company, today is launching an Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign that will allow supporters to become part of its innovative solution to the world’s water, energy and connectivity problems. The top prized perk offers the opportunity to become part of the project, joining with the Watly team to implement its technology in Africa as part of a Discovery Channel documentary.

Watly has created a machine that uses solar energy to sanitise up to 5,000 litres of water per day, making the company the world’s first thermodynamic computer that provides internet connectivity alongside clean water and electricity to the world’s most vulnerable communities.

Watly has already secured European Union Horizon 2020 funding in recognition of the transformative potential of the technology. With the launch of its Indiegogo campaign, they are opening up the Watly community and giving everyone a chance to be involved in bringing this life-changing technology to those who need it the most.

Getting involved in the Watly campaign offers the chance to contribute towards the completion of Watly 3.0 machines, each of which is capable of producing vital resources for 3,000 people, every day, for at least 15 years.

Other supporters will receive tours of the Watly factory in Italy, where they can see the patented technologies being assembled, or a 3D printed model of the iconic Watly 3.0. Becoming part of the community behind Watly is a step towards connecting vulnerable and remote communities with the rest of the world.  Additionally, some supporters will have their names inscribed on the Watly 3.0 machine as a reminder of the relationships being built with people across the globe. The Indiegogo campaign opens today and will be open throughout April. You can visit the page here, and watch Marco talking about the project here.

Marco Attisani, founder and CEO of Watly, comments: “Our mission is to improve global living standards for the most in-need people in the world. By delivering clean water, electricity and connectivity, we strive to empower communities with new possibilities, freeing them to realise their potential. Watly gives people the chance to dedicate their vital energy to development, education and business rather than mere survival, and so truly offers a long-term solution rather than a one-off aid gift.”

Marco continues: “Watly represents a smart infrastructure, and is bringing the ‘Internet of Things’ to places where there is no internet and very few things. This is where the internet reaches its true potential, being utilised to improve the fortunes of our fellow man.”

Following the successful trial of the Watly 2.0 in Abenta Village, Ghana, where people have been drinking clean water from the machine, Watly is currently constructing a fully-sized, 40 metres and 15 tons, ultimate version. During its expected 15 years of service, one Watly can reduce as much as 1,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to 2,500 barrels of oil.

About Watly

Watly intends to provide solutions to some of the fundamental and global human needs: access to clean water and sanitation, free-energy and connectivity. Its mission is to improve global living standards for people in the world, striving to empower them with new possibilities. 

Watly’s machine promises to provide communities around the world with these three pillars for development in one solution. Its primary product is not only about providing these services, but primarily about human happiness, wellbeing and potential for development. 
A single Watly is a stand alone machine, but two or more Watly machines become a network where each node is auto-powered, self-sustained and multi-functional.  A growing number of Watly modules deployed around the world will contribute to form the next big thing, the so called “Energynet”—the global smart-grid in which water and electricity fuse together with information technology.


Watly efficiently desalinates ocean water, and can also eliminate all pathogens and microorganisms from previously polluted water, including: viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi or cysts. It removes inorganic compounds as well as poisons: arsenic, benzene, heavy metals (such as lead), chlorine, chloramines, and radionuclides. It purifies water from any organic compounds and liquid contents of latrines, and the machine can even purify radioactive water. Watly’s system is called vapor compression distillation, and does not need membranes or filter substitutions in order to work. The machine effectively boils the water to a point at which purified water vaporizes and leaves all the contaminants behind. This is by far the most effective and powerful method of water purification and desalination available. Watly 3.0 will deliver >5000 litres of water per day for as long as 15 years.  

Watly generates the very same energy it needs to function. On the roof, Watly has 80 mono-crystalline photo-voltaic panels. These have a nominal power of 26 kW and generate up to 150 kWh/day. The electricity is stored in a 140 kWh internal battery. Watly does not need to be connected to an electric grid to power its own internal electronics (computers, multiple-screens and different telecommunication devices), as well as external devices (portable computers, mobile phones and household appliances). The solar electricity generated by Watly is made available to people via multiple battery chargers and electric plugs. During its 15 years of service, one Watly can reduce as much as 1000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2), which is equivalent to 2500 barrels of oil.

Watly is a powerful communication device that can collect and send any kind of data to the Web (videos, images, audios, texts, ratios, etc.) as well as to any other compatible communication device. This can potentially also be extended to drone ports and 3D printers in the future.

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