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Stanford University makes its own Gecko-inspired wall climbing pads


Military types are obsessed with the Gecko because of the unique structure of its feet, which enable it to climb walls like Spider-man. Earlier this year, DARPA told the world that one of its labs had built a pair of pads that would enable a 218-pound person wearing 50 pounds of gear to pretend that they’re Tobey Maguire. Of course, the method for building the pads was a closely guarded secret, but a team at Stanford University believes that it’s cracked the formula. In essence (really paraphrasing here), the group started with PDMS –polydimethylsiloxane — a composite more commonly found in water-repellant coatings, skin moisturizers and at least one franchise burger joint’s chicken nuggets. The substance was then molded into microwedges to increase the surface area, and crammed into a hexagonal plate with a handle.
via Engadget

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