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Siemens Digital Industries Software offers a deep portfolio of software across a broad spectrum of industry domains. Siemens is the leader in driving enterprise-level digital transformation through market leading software and services. With these capabilities, Siemens provides the catalyst to accelerate digital transformation for companies of all sizes and in all industries. The Xcelerator portfolio encompasses Siemens’ capabilities for digital transformation and supports three key facets of the digital enterprise: comprehensive digital twin, personalized, adaptable solutions, and an open, modern ecosystem.


Design with Calibre

Shift left for more efficient block design and chip integration

Block/chip integration is a lot more complicated than it gets credit for. On the face of it, chip integration just…

Jul 26, 2024
Speeding up early design rule checking with Calibre nmDRC Recon

By John Ferguson and Nermeen Hossam Chip designers are very aware of how time-consuming early design rule checking (DRC) can…

Jun 5, 2024
Automated analysis-based layout enhancements reduce power grid voltage drops during place & route: A case study with Google

By Jeff Wilson Power isn’t just a small factor in the IC design arena—it’s a cornerstone. Design teams work to…

May 29, 2024
Accelerate IP design cycles and reduce costs with Calibre design stage verification

By Terry Meeks In the fast-paced world of semiconductor design, time is a critical asset. One way IC designers save…

May 6, 2024
Balancing performance vs. debuggability in LVS circuit verification

By Wael ElManhawy Circuit verification engineers face ever more challenges as semiconductor technology evolves towards smaller process nodes and integrated…

Apr 23, 2024
A new physical verification reporting solution smooths the on-time tapeout effort

By Richard Yan In the intricate world of system-on-chip (SoC) development, Physical Verification (PV) reports serve as vital checkpoints throughout…

Apr 16, 2024
How to verify well layer connectivity with soft checks

By Terry Meeks In the landscape of modern IC chip verification, ensuring the connectivity from diffusion layers to well regions…

Apr 10, 2024
AI/ML rules at the 2024 SPIE Advanced Lithography + Patterning symposium

The SPIE Advanced Lithography + Pattering symposiums were held from 25-29 February this year with enthusiastic and sizable attendance. The…

Apr 3, 2024


Chalk Talks Featuring Siemens Digital Industries Software

featured chalk talk
Shift Left Block/Chip Design with Calibre
In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton and David Abercrombie from Siemens EDA explore the multitude of benefits that shifting left with Calibre can bring to chip and block design. They investigate how Calibre can impact DRC verification, early design error debug, and optimize the configuration and management of multiple jobs for run time improvement.
Jun 18, 2024
featured chalk talk
Shift Left with Calibre
In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton and David Abercrombie from Siemens investigate the details of Calibre’s shift-left strategy. They take a closer look at how the tools and techniques in this design tool suite can help reduce signoff iterations and time to tapeout while also increasing design quality.
Nov 27, 2023
featured chalk talk
Solutions for Heterogeneous Multicore
Multicore processing is more popular than ever before but how do we take advantage of this new kind of processing? In this episode of Chalk Talk, Jeff Hancock from Siemens and Amelia Dalton investigate the challenges inherent in multicore processing, the benefits of hypervisors and multicore frameworks, and what you need to consider when choosing your next multicore processing solution.
Oct 21, 2021
featured chalk talk
Software and Automotive Safety
In the realm of automotive designs, safety must reign above all else. But the question remains: How can we innovate within the constraints of today’s safety standards? In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton chats with Rob Bates from Siemens about the role ISO 26262 plays when it comes to COTS and open source software, what certified software components are all about, and how heterogeneous multiprocessing can be helpful in your next automotive design.
Jul 28, 2021
featured chalk talk
Medical Device Security
In the new era of connected medical devices, securing embedded systems has become more important than ever. But, there is a lot medical device designers can borrow from current best-practices for embedded security in general. In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton chats with Robert Bates from Mentor about strategies and challenges for securing modern medical devices and systems.
Nov 3, 2020
Keeping Your Linux Device Secure
Embedded security is an ongoing process, not a one-time effort. Even after your design is shipped, security vulnerabilities are certain to be discovered - even in things like the operating system. In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton chats with Kathy Tufto from Mentor - a Siemens business, about how to make a plan to keep your Linux-based embedded design secure, and how to respond quickly when new vulnerabilities are discovered.
Jun 1, 2020