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Follow the R&D Road

Rogue Valley Micro Makes Your Design Dreams Come True

Nestled in the rain shadow (and yes, that really is a thing) between the Cascade Range and Siskiyou Mountains, sits a very unique foundry. A foundry that specializes in semiconductor, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and MEMS services for companies large, small, and everywhere in between. In this week’s Fish Fry, we take a closer look at Medford, Oregon-based Rogue Valley Microelectronics. Jessica Gomez (CEO – Rogue Valley Microelectronics) joins Fish Fry to discuss the many flavors of foundry services offered at Rogue Valley Micro, how their specialized R&D helps design dreams come true, and why they chose Medford for their foundry’s home base. Also this week, we check out a new technology developed at the Tyndall National Institute that will revolutionize how we monitor radiation exposure in space.  


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Links for January 8, 2016

More information about Rogue Valley Microdevices

Groundbreaking Radiation Detector developed by Irish Researchers to Protect Astronauts will be space bound by June 2016

More information about the Tyndall National Institute 

Whitepaper: European Crew Personal Active Dosimeters (EuCPAD)

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