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Innovation Big and Small – Chapter 2

The larger company, however, faces a situation where they can fall victim to the spoils of their own success. Once upon a time, they too were focused, fast-reacting, hard-driving startups. At some point, however, they probably made a major score with a successful product line that propelled them into the big leagues. With that membership card comes a bloat of baggage – support for existing product lines, protection of previously captured market territory, more employees to water and feed, reputations to protect, policies to follow, and legal hurdles to clear. The innovation balance can tip wildly away from their … Read More → "Innovation Big and Small – Chapter 2"

Innovation Big and Small

It’s four o’clock in the morning. Roger gets up from his laptop to walk to the dorm-size refrigerator in the corner of the makeshift office. He pulls out a Mountain Dew, downs a sizable swig, and then places the can at the end of a row of six empties that have accumulated beside his keyboard during the evening. Adjacent to his desk sits a pyramid of empty Mountain Dew cans – an art project in progress, a monument to a month of Roger’s late-night work-a-thons, all aimed at getting the product ready for tomorrow’ … Read More → "Innovation Big and Small"

Blaming the Button

We FPGA designers work hard to get our RTL ready to rumble. We round up our IP, mull over the microarchitecture, sweat over the simulation, and finally get things lined up well enough to push the big GO buttons for synthesis and place-and-route. After that, the design is mostly out of our hands, right? The tools do their job, and, unless we have some critical paths that need optimizing, some LUTs hanging around loose after placement, or some routes that ended up unrouted, we just sit back and wait for the system to tell us that everything … Read More → "Blaming the Button"

Innovation Big and Small

Caffeine, cold liquid, and carbonation re-open Roger’s sagging eyes. His monitor locks back into sharp focus again. His latest unit test run will be done within a couple of minutes. If it passes, he’ll check in the files, kick off a build, and head home for two or three hours of real bed rest before trying to make himself look semi-professional for the presentation at 9AM. He doesn’t want to be too slick. People expect a lead engineer at a startup to have a certain patina.

If the demo goes well and the customer … Read More → "Innovation Big and Small"

Death of the Hardware Engineer

Any engineering discipline done well should ultimately be self-eradicating. The key problems should be solved from the bottom up, and the creative genius of each generation should be absorbed into the collective tooling, IP, and best-practice methodologies of the next. Today, digital design bears little resemblance to what I learned in school twenty something years ago. For many of today’s bright young engineers, DeMorgan equivalents are something they learned in an introductory logic design class, but not anything they apply in their day-to-day work. They’re much more likely to be worried about whether the Ethernet … Read More → "Death of the Hardware Engineer"

Need to accelerate the creation of technology-independent DSP hardware?

The massive increase in processing required for next generation compute-intensive applications, such as wireless communication and image processing, has created a gap between off-the-shelf DSP performance and market needs. In many cases, discrete DSPs are simply running out of steam to serve the new communications, multimedia, and consumer applications. In recent years, users have increasingly looked toward alternative solutions ranging from ultra-high performance full-custom ASICs to highly flexible general-purpose CPUs. Somewhere in the middle are FPGAs, providing a cost-effective balance (Figure 1) between programmability and high performance. With their processing flexibility ranging from serial to parallel computing, and … Read More → "Need to accelerate the creation of technology-independent DSP hardware?"

Death of the Hardware Engineer

Exactly two hundred years ago this June, Augustus De Morgan was born. Arguably, before that time, there were no logic designers in the world. For the next 200 years, however, logic designers steadily increased in number until today, when we walk the earth in six or seven digit numbers. In the big picture, however, the time for our species may be drawing to a close. Self-made storm clouds have been on the horizon for awhile now, the engineer-extincting meteors are headed for earth, and the distant dirge of death for the digital design profession as we know it grows ever-louder … Read More → "Death of the Hardware Engineer"

Parallelizing PCB

Much has been made in the technical press about various approaches for automatically parallelizing general-purpose computing. However, there are occasional outstanding opportunities to create domain-specific solutions that can elegantly and efficiently elevate the performance of mission-critical tasks. Mentor Graphics has found such an opportunity in printed circuit board (PCB) routing with their newly-announced “XtremeAR” tool. They have crafted a system that can accelerate the arduous task of PCB auto-routing using up to 15 networked nodes, turning multi-day turnaround times into overnight iterations.

PCB routing has become a bottleneck in many board-based system designs. Increased levels of … Read More → "Parallelizing PCB"

ESC Revisited

As promised, we want to bring you the best, most important messages from the show distilled down into punchy, trip-report-worthy text bites, suitable not only for framing, but also for cutting, pasting, and turning in to your boss as plagiarized proof positive that you were out there gathering the key information that will propel your company’s embedded systems development for the next year and, just maybe, justifying that $200 bottle of wine carefully camouflaged on your trip report. Remember, if you can’t spell, edit in a few typos – for realism – with your own typical mistakes. Our copy editor … Read More → "ESC Revisited"

Parallelizing PCB

Multi-madness is upon us these days. Multi-core, multi-thread, and multi-processor mania has made a mess of the previously well-ordered software tools and operating systems market, creating abundant opportunities for innovation. Single processor computing is at its heat limit, and the new way to get more cpu power focused on your problem is to pile on the processors and parallelize your application.

Much has been made in the technical press about various approaches for automatically parallelizing general-purpose computing. However, there are occasional outstanding opportunities to create domain-specific solutions that can elegantly and efficiently elevate the performance of mission-critical … Read More → "Parallelizing PCB"

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Feb 27, 2025
I'll be presenting at the Embedded Online Conference (EOC), which will take place 12-16 May 2025...