There is a common assumption that innovation cannot be inspired in the world of 8-bit microcontrollers. If that is the case, then why haven’t they disappeared like the telegraph or the 8-track tape? Perhaps it’s because we still need them and sometimes they are just what the doctor (or engineer as the case may be) ordered. In this week’s Fish Fry, I check out some cool new 8-bit MCUs from Microchip Technology with Greg Robinson (VP – Microchip Technology) and we dive down into the guts of these new 8-bit masterpieces – from the intelligent analog features to the digital pin placement capabilities. Also this week, we investigate how Israeli start-up StoreDot plans to revolutionize battery technology. (Hint: It includes chemically synthesized bio-organic peptide molecules!)
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Links for April 18, 2014
More information about StoreDot’s next generation smart phone battery
Feature Article by Jim Turley:
Attack of the Tiny Terrors – Microchip’s Small, Cheap PIC16 MCUs Prove There’s Life in 8-bitters