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Good discussion Bryon. Any good

Good discussion Bryon. Any good strategy is bigger than any one person or any one company. I believe EDA360 makes perfect sense. The day after it was published, I called John Bruggeman to thank him for spending more money educating the market than I could ever dream of spending. I got to know him a bit after that call, and found him to be a breath of fresh air in EDA. At Atrenta, we have used the SoC Realization part of EDA360 to describe what we do and why it matters. The label fits. It simply feels right and … Read More → "Good discussion Bryon. Any good"


There are certain people that are unlikely to leave those whom they encounter without an opinion. John Bruggeman is one such person. If you’ve ever watched him present, he controls the stage like an old-time revival preacher. He’s not convincing you of anything; he’s expounding absolute truths and you better get on board if you know what’s good for you. There are those in the press who have been scolded by him for not promoting his vision or embracing some new buzzword he coined.

Most recently, he’s … Read More → "EDA180"

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