Xilinx is the inventor of the FPGA, programmable SoCs, and now, the ACAP. Our highly-flexible programmable silicon, enabled by a suite of advanced software and tools, drives rapid innovation across a wide span of industries and technologies – from consumer to cars to the cloud. Xilinx delivers the most dynamic processing technology in the industry, enabling rapid innovation with its adaptable, intelligent computing.
featured chalk talk

Introducing Vivado ML Editions
There are many ways that machine learning can help improve our IC designs, but when it comes to quality of results and design iteration - it’s a game changer. In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton chats with Nick Ni from Xilinx about the benefits of machine learning design optimization, what hierarchical module-based compilation brings to the table, and why extending a module design into an end-to-end flow can make all the difference in your next IC design.
featured paper

System-Level Benefits of the Versal Platform
This white paper provides both a qualitative and quantitative analysis of Versal ACAP system-level capabilities for a host of markets ranging from cloud to wired networking and 5G wireless infrastructure. Learn how the Versal architecture delivers best-in-class performance/watt leadership over competing 10nm FPGA architectures in end-applications such as AI compute accelerator, 5G Massive MIMO, network accelerator, smart SSDs, and multi-terabit SmartPHY—supported with data that can be validated with public tools.
featured chalk talk

Accelerating Innovation at the Edge with Xilinx Adaptive System on Modules
The combination of system-on-module technology with advanced SoCs with programmable logic offer the ultimate in functionality, performance, flexibility, power efficiency, and ease of use. In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton chats with Karan Kantharia of Xilinx about the new Kira SOM, and how it enables faster time-to-deployment versus conventional component-based design.
featured chalk talk

SN1000 SmartNIC
Cloud providers face a variety of challenges with moving data from one place to another. In modern data centers, flexibility is a key consideration - on par with performance. Software-defined hardware acceleration offers a major breakthrough in flexibility. In this episode of Chalk Talk, Amelia Dalton chats with Kartik Srinivasan of Xilinx about the details of Smart NICs with the new Alveo SN1000 with composable hardware.